What we offer

With our translation team experienced in the blockchain sector and highly meticulous, we offer translation services that meet your brand’s quality standards.

Some of the areas we provide translation services for include:

Customized Brand Guide

We kick off each project with a personalized brand identity guide and terminology toolkit to ensure every translation embodies your unique voice.

Client-Centric Translation Memory

For each partner, we create an individual translation memory in our CAT tool, streamlining consistency and efficiency across all projects.

Interactive Feedback System

Our translators are equipped with real-time access to your brand’s feedback, leveraging it to refine and perfect their translations through concrete quality metrics.

Direct Dialogue

We encourage and facilitate open lines of communication between brands and our translation team, fostering collaboration and clarity.

Dynamic Quality Metrics

Tailored quality benchmarks are crafted for your brand, capturing every detail of project performance for continual improvement.

Unified Quality Portal

All quality assessments for content and translators are available at your fingertips, providing a transparent and comprehensive view of excellence through a single dashboard.

Global Success through Translation Mastery

Partner with us for translation and content mastery, and harness the power of your message to captivate a global audience and propel your international success.

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